This is a t-shirt that I've had on my mind for a while now. My mom bought a baseball tee from Anthropologie that had lace trim in the seams, and I thought to myself... 'Self, I could totally make that!' So when I found this blue and gray tee marked down to $3, I thought it was a good time to give it a try.
Now, I am not a pro, but this is how I did it....
I turned the baseball tee inside out and got one of my favorite fitting shirts out of the closet. Then I placed my favorite t-shirt on top of the baseball tee and lined it up to the collar, sleeves and seams.
I used a chalk pencil to mark a line about an inch off my favorite tee.
Grabbed my scissors and cut around the chalk line... no turning back now.
Got out my lace stash and chose the trim.

Cut on both sides of the sleeve seem.
I turned the raw sleeve edges under and pressed (pictures were blurry, sorry!). Then pinned the lace trim to the pressed sleeve seams.

Headed on over to my sewing machine, and sewed the lace trim to the seam.

Originally, I was planning on only adding the lace to the front seams. But then decided to totally commit and do all four.
Put right sides together and pin.
Sew seams, trying to remember not to sew the sleeves shut!

Making a sleeve hem... I wanted to go with two folds, but I didn't leave myself enough fabric. Next time.
Finished product. Subtle embellishment, just the way I like it!

Really hate posing for photos... but I can take one for the team.
Of course I needed a little red for the 4th of July holiday, so I made a this headband with red bandana fabric.
So that's it! I've been wanting to experiment with jersey and t-shirt re-sizing and re-purposing... so this was a good start.
Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend!
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