August happens to be a very important month at our house, smack dab in the middle of it is Charlie's birthday. She has asked me almost every morning for the past 3 months if 'it's her birthday today', so I finally could say 'YES!'
We had a fun-filled birthday weekend filled with food, fun and presents (Charlie's favorite part) ... So I thought I would share with you what Charlie and I made for 'thank-you' cards. I 'stole' the idea from the Crafty Chica, and thought it would be a fun project to do with Charlie. Here's what we made:
How-to: the Mini-zine of Charlie
the layout for the mini-zine
We decided to do a photo in each square.
We put the photos in order and decorated with sharpies, glitter, sequins and stickers.
After the decorating was up to snuff, I scanned it and printed it out.
Finished product.
See the Crafty Chica's video on how to fold the mini-zine...
I thought this was a cute way to share how much Charlie had grown between age 3 to age 4. And she got a kick out of making her own little story book. We had such a good time making it that we just might make another mini-zine for our Christmas card this year!
I also got around to making another upcycled t-shirt dress for Charlie with a t-shirt that she hand-picked herself.

She makes me so proud.
I also dropped these new appliques off at Sweet 'N Sassy last week. If you know me, you know that I LOVE Mexican folk art. My sister's have told me that my house decor looks like a Mexican restaurant, and I take that as a compliment. So here's the new applique...

I just can't help myself!